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Cardiology Associates of Greater Waterbury
For Patients
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General Cardiology
Diagnostic Cardiology
Interventional Cardiology
Hospital Services
Diagnostic Cardiology
The Cardiac Diagnostic Center at 455 Chase Parkway is accredited by the by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) in Nuclear/Pet, Echocardiography and Vascular testing. All tests are interpreted and reviewed by board certified physicians.
Diagnostic Services include:
- Echocardiograms: provides information about the structure of the heart, valves, and strength of the heart muscle
- Trans-esophageal Echocardiogram: an internal ultrasound of the heart's structures
- Stress Testing
- Treadmill only: which determines exercise ability and symptoms with exercise
- Treadmill with nuclear imaging: which helps to assess blood flow to the heart
- Pharmacological testing with nuclear imaging: for patients who can't use a treadmill
- Carotid Ultrasound: shows whether plaque has built up in carotid arteries as well as the narrowing of the arteries (carotid stenosis)
- MUGA Scan – performed in office: evaluates the function of the right and left ventricles of the heart
- Cardiac Event Monitors and Mobil Telemetry- devices are worn by patients for a period of time, providing real-time feedback reports of cardiac activity to your physicians
- Pacemaker Clinic: checks pacemakers over the phone, using a transmitter, or when patient comes into the clinic
Diagnostic cardiac testing is performed by a team of qualified, highly skilled professionals including:
- Cardiac Specialty Registered Nurses
- Cardiac Medical Assistants
- Nuclear Technologists who are Board-Certified by the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB)
- Echocardiographers who are registered by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS)
- Board certified cardiologist available during testing
- Medical directors in nuclear and echocardiography from Cardiology Associates