Dr. Elizabeth C. Riordan is board certified in general surgery and specializes in breast surgery.
Dr. Riordan received her medical degree from the University of Connecticut Medical School, in Farmington, Conn. and her residency training in general surgery at SUNY in Stony Brook, NY.
Dr. Riordan has been practicing medicine since 1996.
Dr. Riordan is a member of the American Board of Surgery, the Connecticut Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, and the American Society of Breast Surgeons.
Services include consultation and treatment for benign breast disease, including breast pain, nipple discharge, breast/nipple/skin lesions, infections of the breast, and high risk for future development of breast cancer, including genetic predisposition. In addition, consultation and treatment for malignant breast disease, including breast conservation surgery, hidden scar surgery, and nipple sparing mastectomies is also offered.
Dr. Riordan will be practicing at the Breast Health Center: 134 Grandview Ave, Suite 105; 32 Poverty Road, Suite C, Southbury.
To make an appointment call: (203) 405-7165.