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Waterbury Pulmonary Associates
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New Patient Appointment
Welcome to Waterbury Pulmonary
As a patient here, you will enjoy innovative, top-quality respiratory healthcare, get to know physicians and staff committed to meeting patient needs, and learn our group's dedication to maintaining and improving your quality of life.
Your First Appointment
Here at Waterbury Pulmonary, we strive to allow you to live a life unhindered by breathing difficulties. As a new patient, you will receive a consult with one of our physicians to establish a personalized care plan that will fit your needs, as well as any lung function testing that will help our pulmonologists decide how best to care for your health. Our physicians will also discuss any pulmonary health concerns or questions you may have. Generally, the entire visit will take about two hours. Follow-up visits and testing will be scheduled depending on your specific health needs.
We accept all public and private insurance plans. Our accepted credit cards are American Express, Visa, Mastercard and Discover.
On your first visit, we ask you to fill out several forms so we can know better how to care for you. Links to these forms are listed below. On the first form, it is not necessary to fill out the section marked Insurance Information. On the last form, please fill out only the areas highlighted. If the patient is under 18, the patient's parent/guardian must fill out the forms.